(means Terms and Conditions)
(means Ts&Cs)

(a) Be-Maps System (means: System, System Instance, Be-Maps System Instance) - Devices with Be-Maps Elements installed and configured to exchange data between each other via one and the same Be-Maps Email Account.
(b) Be-Maps Elements (means: Product, Applications, System Elements, Software Elements, Elements, Software, Elements of the System) - Be-M2M and Be-Maps applications installed and configured on devices to exchange data between each other via one and the same Be-Maps Email Account.
(c) Be-Maps Group (means: Group, System Users, System Instance Users) - users of the devices who (for safety, security, messaging and information purposes) agreed to exchange data between each other via the Be-Maps Email Account with use of Be-Maps System Elements.
(d) Be-Maps Email Account (means: Email Account) - one email account used explicitly for the purpose of Be-Maps Group data exchange between Your group devices linked by Be-Maps System Elements. This is your Group private IMAP/SMTP email account your group creates for your Be-maps Group data exchange.
(e) Features - technical capabilities of Be-Maps Elements.
(f) Be-Maps as a First Party (means: Be-Maps FP) - Development Team of Be-Maps System (including our third parties). NOTE: With some of our paid products, as part of the Certificate or Subscription in the Be-M2M application, you may get a free Be-M2M e-mail service as per description in an online shop (it will be stated when the product comes with the free Be-Maps Email Account).

In this Ts&Cs \"Be-Maps.Com\", \"we\", \"us\" and \"our\" means Be-Maps as a First Party (named: Be-Maps FP). These Ts&Cs are integral part of our License Agreement.
By using the Be-Maps applications, system or service you are agreeing to be bound by the following Terms And Conditions.
Be-Maps products, applications, systems and services (hereinafter called the \"System\"). System consists of your Be-Maps Email Account (may be our Be-M2M Account or other email with high email throughput) and our Be-Maps applications. These applications are installed only on the devices owned or provided by you (you must be legally entitled to install and configure applications on the device).
These Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter - the \"Ts&Cs\") describe the terms and conditions applicable to your access and use of your own Be-Maps System with Be-Maps Elements made available through on-line shops or any other form of installing applications. These Ts&Cs sets forth the legally binding Terms and Conditions under which Be-Maps FP provides you access to the System Elements.
Your use of the System Elements signifies that you agree to these Ts&Cs and constitutes your binding acceptance of these Ts&Cs, including any modifications that Be-Maps FP makes from time to time.

1. Principal Points
1.1 The System Elements shall be used only with the aim of:
(a) connecting family or closest friends you trust,
(b) your own safety or your group safety or safety of your children,
(c) use on a device, which is in your ownership and/or you are legally entitled to it,
(d) connected to your Be-Maps Group with you having legal right to do so and with you having consent of your Be-Maps Group Members.
1.2 To purchase and use our System limited time license you should do this via trusted online shop (i.e. Play Store, or App Store).
1.3 Be-Maps FP only receives the payment provided by you, we do not store or process any of your Be-Maps App information or data.
1.4 By providing your payment information while purchasing the Software you are aware that Be-Maps FP does not collect this information, it is the Payment Provider that receives payment details.
1.5 You are aware that Be-Maps FP is not responsible for any third party data security and/or memory leak in databases and/or DNS servers and/or firewalls and/or email servers.
1.6 You will not use the Be-Maps System and its Elements in violation of any laws you are subject to. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Be-Maps FP is not responsible for your way of access to System, or use of the Be-Maps System or its Elements.
1.7 You consent : before placing the order to read the Compatibility Policy and to check the requirements of your target device according to the Compatibility Policy.
1.8 You understand that you require a physical access to a device to install the System Elements.
1.9 You agree that Be-Maps FP is not responsible or liable in any manner for the installation or misuse by you of the System Elements on the devices connected to your Be-Maps System.
1.10 You will properly follow all instructions and documentation provided by Be-Maps FP to you at Be-Maps.Com.
1.11 You will not allow any other third party to access your Be-Maps Email Account or to utilize the System. In case the access to your Be-Maps Email Account was granted to a third party deliberately or by mistake or in any other way without your consent you acknowledge that Be-Maps FP does not bear the responsibility for it.
1.12 You will only install the System Elements on devices of which you are the owner or you received a consent from such an owner.
1.13 We reserve the right to modify, terminate or refuse Be-Maps Products and/or Features to anyone for any reason, without notice at any time. This can be done only by revoke of the license.
1.14 We reserve the right to alter this Ts&Cs at any time.

2. Certificate / Subscription
2.1 To avail of the System you should place the order in the on-line shop and purchase the System Elements, prepare Be-Maps Email Account, download and configure the required applications which will be parts of your System Instance.
2.2 The System provides the defined features according to purchased System Elements ordered by user/users of the System Instance. The Products’ features depend on your device, the quantity of features, which you may choose and/or a limited subscription or certificate timeframe.
2.3 Under your System Instance you may have connected several (up to 10) devices with Be-Maps installed.
2.4 From the on-line shop we get only payment confirmation and you get a limited time license, we do not store any of your personal information or other data related to or from your devices. We only will store email address, license number and activation date.
2.5 Following the purchase of the System your data (from all devices) will be sent only via your Group Be-Maps Email and/or other digital transfer betwen your Instance users/devices so you could access your data.
2.6 Your System will use your encryption key, which will be used to encrypt your data transmitted between devices. The key will be generated for each device connected to your System Instance, please remember the password in case you will want to reinstall or reconfigure your System.
2.7 You may choose the subscription plan for System Element for period of 12 months.
2.8 You are aware that you may use the System Instance with more than one device when purchasing System Elements for each device connected to your System Instance.
2.9 Certificate or Subscription (for each of the System Elements) is not automatically renewed (unless set differently in the online shop). You will receive a reminder on each device and you will have to follow a payment link or an on-line shop link to renew.
2.10 Your System Instance will link only your Be-Maps Group devices. When setting up the devices, you must provide accurate and complete information to all Be-Maps App users in your group.
2.11 You are solely responsible for the activities that occurs from/to/on System Elements installed and/or configured and/or used by you within your Be-Maps Group.
2.12 You should not disclose your Be-Maps Email details to anyone not entitled to use your System Instance.
2.13 You must notify Be-Maps FP immediately of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your System and if you believe that security has been compromised.
2.14 Be-Maps FP will not be liable for any losses caused by any unauthorized use of your System.
2.15 Your Linked Devices (Elements) may interact only with your System Instance.
2.16 You agree to use any devices connected to your System according to current law and legislation of the country the devices are in. You are responsible to check the law and to be compliant with the applicable legislation.
2.17 In case you forgot your password to the Be-Maps App config you may restore the access by reinstalling the App on that device (NOTE: current data on your device will be lost).

3. System
3.1 The System may only be used only within scope of this Ts&Cs and the End User License Agreement, and its updates, rules, restrictions or documentation set forth by Be-Maps FP from time to time.
3.2 You understand that Be-MapsFP is not able to access any of the devices connected to your System Instance.
3.3 Be-Maps FP reserves the right to add or remove features or functions to the System and Applications at any time in its sole discretion.
3.4 You may use all features on a device without jailbreaking or rooting it. Depending on the device model some features might not be available.
3.5 In case your device was unlinked from Your System Instance due to an update of one of the devices sometimes the data might be lost and/or Elements may require to be reconfigured on the device.
3.6 In case you have any technical question, please contact customer service at Support@Be-Maps.Com

4. Acceptance
4.1 By using the System you represent that you have read and consent to these Ts&Cs and our End User License Agreement, Privacy Policy, Refund Policy, Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy and Compatibility Policy.
4.2 Be-Maps FP may revise these Ts&Cs, End User License Agreement, Privacy Policy, Refund Policy, Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy and Compatibility Policy at any time, without notice, and the new versions will be available on the OnLine Store.
4.3 If at any point you do not agree to any portion of these Ts&Cs, End User License Agreement, Privacy Policy, Refund Policy, Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy and Compatibility Policy, you must immediately stop using the System Instance and System Elements and uninstall all the applications linked to your System.

5. Security
5.1 Be-Maps FP cares about the integrity and security of your personal information and we will try to improve our products.
5.2 You acknowledge that you provide your personal information to the Payment Provider while placing the order for the license/certificate/subscription/service or the System elements.
5.3 We do not store or process any of your Be-Maps App data.
5.4 Please read our Privacy Policy which explains how your data in stored and processed.
5.5 You agree that Be-Maps FP is not responsible for any first party or third party memory leak (i.e. in files or databases).
5.6 You agree that Elements of your System will retain the private encryption key generated for you by your System Instance based on your information provided.
5.7 Be-Maps FP does not collect/download any logs or any other data from the Elements of your System (except to the anonymous license data which are used for Certificate/Subscription management and fraud detection).
5.8 In case of disclosure of data from the System Instance or System Elements - Be-Maps FP will not be held responsible for it.
5.9 Be-Maps FP does not control, monitor and/or is not aware of the use purpose of the System and Be-Maps FP cannot not be held responsible for such use thereof. It is at a user’s risk and responsibility.
5.10 You acknowledge that Be-Maps FP does not encourage its users to exploit the Be-Maps System illegally.

6. Requirements to the System users
6.1 When placing an order for the Product you acknowledge and agree that you are of the age above 18 and an adult.
6.2 When installing the Element of the System on a device you acknowledge and agree that you are not violating any laws or regulations of the country the device is in; and
6.3 When installing the Element of the System on a device you acknowledge and agree that device device is owned by you; and
6.4 When installing the Element of the System on a device you acknowledge and agree that you are in agreement to connect with other users of the same System Instance (your Be-Maps Group) and you notified and received the consent (to join the Be-Maps Group) from all owners of the devices connected to the same (your) Be-Maps Group.

7. Compatibility of target device
7.1 You are aware that before placing an order for subscription you have to read carefully the Compatibility Policy and make sure your device is supported.
7.2 You are aware that before placing an order for a subscription you may install it with a 1 week free trial license from our website.
7.3 You are aware that before installing any Element of System you have to check the requirements of compatibility of your target device.
7.4 In case a target device is not compatible with the Compatibility Policy you may not install anything there and you may not use that as an Element of your System.
7.5 In case you have failed to comply with Compatibility Policy before the subscription you agree that it is your responsibility and you will not be refunded.
7.6 You understand that your device has be compatible with Compatibility Policy in order to use it as part of your System Instance.
7.7 You understand that we may stop supporting current or old devices API level to support the newest.

8. Software Updates
8.1 In an effort to improve the Features and Compliance, Be-Maps FP may update the Elements of your System from time to time.
8.2 You acknowledge and agree that Be-Maps FP may update the Elements of your System with or without notifying you (when your auto updates are on).
8.3 You acknowledge and agree that Be-Maps FP may request you via pop-up or automated update to make such Elements of your System updated on all devices within your System Instance.
8.4 You acknowledge and agree that Be-Maps System Elements may not function properly or may stop functioning if you will not update Be-Maps App on all devices of your Be-Maps Group.

9. Free Trials
9.1 The Be-Maps System Element License may begin with a free trial period during which you can try out the Elements of your System for given number of days from the date you install it (hereinafter the \"Free Trial\"). One license is provided per one trial device.
9.2 You might be required to enter your billing information on the on-line shop in order to place the order and avail of the Free Trial license.
9.3 Upon the expiry of the Free Trial you may be automatically redirected from your device to pay for the limited time license. You may choose not to extend the license.
9.4 You may uninstall Elements of your System at any time but you need access to that Device.
9.5 On uninstall you will immediately lose all access to the disconnected device and you will not receive any more data and information from that device. You will have to delete that data locally on other devices. Please see Privacy Policy for details.
9.6 Any unused portion of the Free Trial period will be forfeited when you purchase a Limited Time License.
9.7 Be-Maps FP reserves the right to modify, cancel or limit the Free Trial without notice at any time.

10. Refunds and Returns.
10.1 Please review Refund Policy of the on-line shop you bought our Licence from. In that shop you might have a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied for any reason.
10.2 Your eligibility for a refund may depend on the Product, license type, duration since the purchase transaction, etc.
10.3 Please note Be-Maps Certificates are non refundable.

11. Links
11.1 The System may contain links to websites operated by other parties, i.e. for payment or marketing purposes.
11.2 Be-Maps FP provides these links to other websites as a convenience, and use of these sites is at your own risk.
11.3 The linked sites are not under the control of Be-Maps FP, and Be-Maps FP is not responsible for the content available on the other sites.

12. Intellectual Property
12.1 Trademarks. Logo Be-Maps is a trademark/service mark in use by Be-Maps FP.
12.2 Unauthorized use of Be-Maps trademark, service mark or logo is a violation of the trademark laws and prevalent international intellectual property laws.
12.3 Copyright - The Site, Features, Software, Designs and System are protected by the applicable laws and international copyright laws.
12.4 All intellectual property in the design , features and layout of our Products and the material and information published on its pages belongs to and is vested in Be-Maps FP or its licensors. You may not copy any part of this or otherwise do anything in relation to any part of the other than the following:
(a) You may print or download to a local hard disk pages from this for your personal and non-commercial use only,
(b) In material issued to third parties you may only quote from this site provided that such quote is not used in a misleading context and that you give due credit to both the author and to Be-Maps FP.
12.5 You may not otherwise use or reproduce any of this Product or the material contained within it in any manner other than those listed above without first obtaining the prior written permission of Be-Maps FP.

13. Disclaimer of warranties.
13.1 The System and the Licenses are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis for your use, without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, non-infringement, and those arising from course of dealing or usage of trade. Be-Maps FP makes no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any content available through, or the performance of, the System Instance or the System Elements. You are responsible for verifying any information before relying on it. Use of the product and/or the service is at your sole risk. Be-Maps FP does not warrant that you will be able to access or use the product and/or its features at the times or locations of your choosing; that the product or the features will be uninterrupted or error-free; Be-Maps FP does not warrant that defects will be corrected, or that the product or the features are free of viruses or other harmful components.

14. Limitation of liability; sole and exclusive remedy
14.1 To the extent of point 14.2, Be-Maps FP, its affiliates, licensors and business partners (collectively, the “related parties”) disclaim all liability, whether based in contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, and further disclaims all losses, including without limitation direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of or in any way connected with access to or use of the site, the product and/or service, even if Be-Maps FP and/ or related parties have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
14.2 Without limiting the foregoing, in no case shall the liability of Be-Maps FP or any of the related parties exceed the amount that you paid to us or our designees during the six (6) months prior to the time the cause of action giving rise to liability arose.
14.3 Because some countries, states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or the limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, in such states or jurisdictions, the liability of Be-Maps FP and its affiliates shall be limited to null, as Be-Maps FP does not agree to have the System Elements to be used in these countries, unless you agree to offset these claims to you – in that case as the License owner you might be liable for such claims as it is your installation of the System Instance.

15. Indemnification
15.1 You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Be-Maps FP and the related parties harmless from any and all claims, demands, damages or other losses, including attorneys’ fees, resulting from or arising out of your use of the System and its Elements, the Software and/or the Features or any breach by you of these Ts&Cs or any other policies that Be-Maps FP may issue for the System, the Software and/or Features from time to time.

16. Assignment
16.1 Be-Maps FP may assign these Ts&Cs, in whole or in part, to any person or entity at any time with or without your consent.
16.2 You may not assign the Ts&Cs without Be-Maps’s prior written consent, and any unauthorized assignment by you shall be null and void.

17. Notices.
17.1 All notices given by you or required under this Ts&Cs shall be in writing and addressed to:
- Support requests shall be addressed to Support@Be-Maps.Com
- Other requests shall be addressed to info@Be-Maps.com

18. Entire Agreement.
18.1 These Ts&Cs, including the documents expressly incorporated by reference, constitutes the entire agreement between you and us with respect to the System Instance and/or System Elements and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications, whether electronic, oral or written, between you and us with respect to the System, the Software and/or System Elements.

19. Termination of Limited Time License
19.1 The License may be terminated upon the expiration of the term.
19.2 Be-Maps FP reserves the right to deny License to any user at Be-Maps’s sole and absolute discretion.
19.3 The Products are offered with the understanding that Be-Maps FP may terminate any License at any time, for any reason or no reason, including without limitation for any violation of these Ts&Cs.
19.4 Be-Maps FP may stop offering and/or supporting the Products at any time.
19.5 Be-Maps FP may stop offering and/or supporting the License at any time.
19.6 Be-Maps FP reserves the right to deny License or if applicable terminate the License of any user or associated with a user that attempts to link the device of an individual, who has not received a consent of such device owner. In such cases Be-Maps FP reserves the right to block all Licenses associated with such potential violating behavior.

20. Legal Effect
20.1 These Ts&Cs describes certain legal rights and you agree your installation of the System Instance and connected to it System Elements is your legal responsibility. You may have other obligations under the laws of your state or country, which you have to check abd verify.
20.2 In case the laws of your state or country do not permit you to use the System or use not all features hereof you acknowledge and agree that it is upon your responsibility (when you do not agree to that please uninstall the System and its Elements).
20.3 For more information, please contact Be-Maps Customer Support on our email at support@Be-Maps.com

Use our Products (Applications, Services, System Elements) only when:
- you are an Adult, if not you must ask your Parent or Legal Guardian to read this and install if agreed,
- you accept our Products might contain defects/errors,
- you accept our Products\' data(information) or location data are delayed and might contain errors, and you will not rely on it,
- you accept our Products for alert and monitoring purposes access your LOCATION and CAMERA and MICROPHONE also when your phone is closed.
- you accept our Terms and Conditions,
- you accept our License Agreement,
- you accept you will check legislation and use our Products according to the law of the countries your connected devices are in.
When you do not agree with above - do not install (and uninstall if necessary) our Products.